Dolly Quinn’s Imitation I-cord Bind Off
Otherwise known as the Chinese Waitress Bind Off! This bind-off is a nearly perfect match to the Chinese Waitress Cast-on, and I was incredibly happy to discover it.
Full credit for the invention of this goes to Dolly Quinn – please do view her more detailed video here:
Use it any time you want a stretchy, reversible bind-off, but especially if you pair it with the Chinese Waitress Cast-on.
Written Instructions
- Knit two stitches, and pass the first stitch over the second.
- Lift the front leg of the second knit stitch, and place it on the right needle.
- *Knit one stitch.
- Pass two stitches over (the lifted stitch, and the first knit stitch) – one stitch remains on your needle.
Repeat from * until the end of the row.